FISHING TIPS It is quite a sight indeed, when villages
of ice shanties start to pop up all over the Adirondacks. Northern Pike, Walleye,
Yellow Perch, and Lake Trout, are just some of the delicacies pulled from our
many lakes. If you are not familiar with ice fishing, check out the rule book
when you purchase your license, or check with any local tackle shop. There is
plenty of information out there as to the proper equipment, bait, and methods.
The simplest ice-fishing is probably for yellow perch. The method is
called "jigging", and the perch are as prevalent during the winter as they are
during the summer. Perch are usually caught near the bottom, so choose a properly
weighted sinker. You will need: an ice chisel, or something similar to cut a hole
in the ice, a skimmer or strainer to keep the hole clear, hand line, small hooks,
sinkers and some bait. The most common and effective bait is a perch eye, or a
strip of belly skin. These should be jigged up and down just off the bottom.
Don't we all love the "perfect" day for fishing? Unfortunately, those days
are few and far between, especially for ice fishing enthusiasts. The nature of
the beast, is cold, snow, and most often wind. As with fair summer fishing, some
times the worst weather is the best fishing. To make sure this doesn't become
a problem, proper outer wear, and preparation are the keys to a successful day.
Check with us again soon for all of the hot spots to ice
fish! The Beginners Equipment
List The first thing that you need for ice fishing is ice -
A whole lake's worth and something to cut a hole in it. Clothing
Thermal Long John's Thermal Socks Jeans Snow Pants Sweatshirt
or warm flanal shirt Warm hunting or sporting coat Gloves or Mittens
Water proof insulated boots Knit hat or ski mask Scarf (optional)
License Rod and Accessories Commericial ice fishing rod, tip-up
or dowel rod 20 - 50 yards of 6 pound monofiliment fishing line
Hooks and Such Assortment of flat hooks Assortment of treble hooks
Swedish Pimple (lure) Assortment of split shot Bait Minos Wax
Worms Mousies Maggots Mayfly Larva Misc. Equipment
Auger (manual or gas) Ice spud Ladle Bucket 25 feet of nylon or
manilla rope Food and Coffee New York
State Fishing License Information Information gathered here
is from the NYDEC. Who Needs a License?
Everyone must have a valid fishing license in their possession while fishing,
except: Persons under 16 years of age. When fishing waters of the Marine
District or in the Hudson River south of the Troy Barrier Dam. Note: A fishing
license is required on the entire length of all Hudson River tributaries south
of the Troy Dam to the Tappan Zee Bridge even if the tributary is subject to tidal
flow. When fishing on licensed fishing preserves. Citizen-resident
owners, lessees and citizen members of their immediate families occupying and
cultivating farm lands, when fishing on their own lands. Active members
of the United States Armed Forces who are New York State residents and are in
the State for a maximum of 30 days. When fishing, such persons must carry their
service identification cards and furlough papers. Persons holding farm
fish pond licenses and members of their immediate families, when fishing on waters
covered by their licenses. Resident parties at United States Veterans
Administration hospitals, Department of Mental Hygiene institutions, and Department
of Health rehabilitation hospitals, and inmates at Division of Youth rehabilitation
centers. A free permit is available from: NYSDEC License Sales, 625 Broadway,
Albany, New York 12233-4790. Persons holding a fishing license or combination
hunting and fishing license (including those entitled to fish without a license)
may take fish by angling, spears, longbow, nets, or traps where permitted by law
or DEC. New York State Fishing License Fees
License Type - Resident Fee Senior (65+/Military Disability) $
5.00 Fishing - Season 14.00 Fishing - 3 day 6.00 License
Type - Non-Resident Fee Fishing - Season $35.00 Fishing - 5 day 20.00
Combination - Hunting, Fishing, Deer Hunting, Bowhunting and Muzzleloading
225.00 Special Stamps - Resident & Non-Resident Fee One
day fishing license- Call 1-518-457-8862 for additional information $11.00
Where Should I Fish? Almost
all the lakes and small ponds throughout the state are good potential ice fishing
spots. The larger ponds where depths average 10' - 15' are prime spots for pickerel,
yellow perch, sunfish and northern pike. For those who which to fish for northern
pike, walleye and lake trout, lakes where depths exceed 20' - 30' or more, need
to be scrutinized more closely. Learning this type of water can produce world
class fish. Where permitted, landlocked salmon, rainbow trout and brown trout
that in the hot summer months generally stay deep where the water temperature
is cooler, can generally be caught just a few feet below the ice in winter time.

View topo maps of the Adirondack High Peaks
the latest weather information for the entire Adirondack Region
Ice Fishing Guides
Adirondack Sport Shop
"Home to the Ausable Wullf", Wilmington, NY - (518) 359-2174 Fran
Betters has been known by sportsmen for years as the definitive expert on fishing
and fly-fishing in the Adirondacks and author of many indispensable books! He
offers fly fishing and casting instructions, stream orientations and an open invitation
to all who fish to attend his FREE Barbeques and flycasting clinics throughout
the summer! Bear Cub
Adventures 30 Bear Cub Road, Lake Placid, NY 12946 - (518) 523-4339
Offering Outdoor Guided Adventures and Skills Instruction; Wilderness Canoe
Trips, Canoe & Kayak Instruction, Family Fishing Trips, and so much more.
Blue Mountain Outfitters
With 2 locations in the Adirondacks! Lake
Placid Location-Open 7 days from 9 AM until 6 PM. Lake Placid, 37 Main Street
(518)-523-4555 /Blue Mountain Lake Location Open 7 days from 9 AM until 6 PM.
Blue Mountain Lake,144 Main Street, (518) 352-7306
Both locations feature many crafts from hand pounded handmade black ash pack
baskets, cloth, metals, jewelry, to balsam and clay. Blue Mountain Outfitters
is a full service fly fishing outfitter offering proven names Fly fishing instructions
and guiding are available upon request. St.
Regis Canoe Outfitters - Floodwood Rd. at Long Pond Portage P.O. Box
318, Lake Clear, NY 12945 518-891-1838 Fax: 518-891-6405 Toll-Free: 888-SR KAYAK
( 888-775-2925 ) Instructions ,Programs, Outfitting Services, Canoe
& Kayak Rentals, Camping Gear Rentals, Transportation. All of your outfitting
needs in the Adirondacks. Tahawus
Limited P.O. Box 424, Lake Placid, NY 12946 - (518) 891-4334
Tahawus Guide Services offers traditional outdoor adventures for people
of all ages, regardless of ability level or physical condition. Based on the legendary
guide services of the late 1800's, the guides of Tahawus are experienced outdoor
professionals who will delight you with the natural history and lore of the Adirondacks.
Offering Fly Fishing, Canoe and Fishing trips, Mountaineering, Ski Tours, and
so much more.