Friends of Mount Pisgah (FOMP)

Mike Hannon (left), Mt. Pisgah Lodge Manager with
Rob Grant, Pres. Adirondacks.com
Friends of Mt. Pisgah was incorporated in 1988 as a not-for-profit community
based organization
to encourage and promote the wholesome, healthy and enjoyable use of Mt.
Pisgah. The Mount Pisgah Ski Area, owned and operated by the Village
of Saranac Lake, is the only community-owned ski area to offer both
snowmaking and night skiing and snow tubing in New York State.
In 1998 a community base fund raising effort was undertaking to
construct a new ski lodge. FOMP raised over $250,000 to construct a new
Recently a tennis court has been added to encourage year around use of
Mount Pisgah Lodge is available for weddings, parties
and barbecues during the Summer and Off Season at very resonable rates.
Please contact:
Mike Hannon
Friends of Mt. Pisgah
Lodge Manager